The Pandemic of Loneliness

In the midst of countries locking down and people growing more distant owing to the Coronavirus pandemic, Michael Tisserand tweeted, “we are all edward hopper paintings now”. The comparison seemed uncannily apparent with Hopper’s paintings depicting voyeuristic canvases—that imbue a sense of loneliness and alienation. It can be argued, that Continue Reading

Once Upon A Tale — A Comedy Of Selfish Errors

One misty evening, two masked men, one tall and the other hunched forward were walking along quickly along a dimly lit street. Maintaining the requisite social distance, they mumbled to each other while exchanging anxious looks. All the houses lining the street interspersed with cedar streets had shutters down, blocking … Continue Reading

The Short Story of Bluetooth

Everybody hates wires. They’re a nightmare to maintain, a pain to use, and they break easily. There was thus a need for an invention that could deliver us from the evil of the wired medium of communication: and its name was Bluetooth.

Today, we use Bluetooth for countless things, Continue Reading

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