Stifled Minds in Quaran-times

Disclaimer: The article contains quotes from people suffering from mental health issues and addictions and includes mentions of self-harm. Names used in the article have been changed for their privacy. 


February this year saw the first cases of Covid-19 in India. By March, many of us had packed our Continue Reading

Grapes— Day Fourteen of NaPoWriMo

They tussled and tossed their sweet selves away,
Your intoxicated thirst was left unquenched
You were frozen in place, held forever by their sway

When you first encountered them, you just wanted to foray
Towards those bitter grapes, in temptation drenched
But they tussled and tossed their sweet selves away… Continue Reading

What Makes a Drug, a Drug?

The year was 1905: the place, Chicago, the United States of America. A man, after a tiresome day of earning some scraps, walked into the Sears and Roebuck store which had taken the public by storm as they offered a variety of beauties in their catalog— watches, coffins, textiles, opium, … Continue Reading

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