Manipal The Talk Network

Lost in Transition: The Mystery of Romance

Throughout the ages, a narrative that never got old, never disappointed and never failed to leave an impact, was romance. Yet amidst all of those clichéd stories often retold, reenacted, and relived, are stories that spark the fiery and extremely complicated emotion of love. A story that aims to unravel a unique bond; powerful yet unseen, Lost in Transition encapsulates the fate of two souls.

Watch ‘Lost in Transition’ here.

Walking down the path of acquaintanceship, the slow transformations create relations that last or those that break. While most skip the unexpected twists and turns that the journey presents, Lost in Transition lets you venture to those minute instances that change the course of the story to find out the what-ifs. To that end, the narrative is conveyed through cryptic conversations with art playing an important role in spinning the yarn.

With a fast tempo background score by Chords and Co, there is never a dull moment throughout the film. Being their third production, following Symphony and Hide and Seek, Joy Box aims at creating short films with a larger focus on how the story is told, for that’s where the magic lies. Promising more profound and impactful stories, Joy Box expresses gratitude for all the love and support they have received.

Keep a lookout for their next production, Intramural, to be released in the upcoming months.

Joy Box on Facebook here.

YouTube Channel here.

Stay tuned and spread the joy!

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