Manipal The Talk Network

Manipal’s Health Digest


Like any new idea it’s a little wobbly and not yet ready to walk. Last I heard, the engineers on the other side called it beta testing. But we hope that with time, it grows on you. Not unlike the infamous fungi of Manipal, but maybe a little more desirably.

Every two weeks or so, we plan on publishing articles in this section that hopefully influence the lives of Manipalites at first, before we move on to conquer the world and all that jazz.

So here it goes.

Whether you need a tetanus shot for that scratch you got at football practice or you need to know how to tie a crepe bandage the KMC way. (It’s a loop extra, but looks awfully pretty! Fashion and functionality. )

Look no further!

Sure, we will definitely pour in the metaphoric sweat, blood and tears to give this column life. There is only so much you can do to make CPR look pretty, but hey! We promise to try.

We would, however, love to hear your suggestions for any ideas.  So if you ever feel like doing your part for the world and making us look good, just drop a note on our Facebook page or e-mail us.

The point of the nonsensical ramblings we will put forth is that apart from exam-oriented regurgitation, knowledge should be thoroughly used, like that favorite frayed sweater you wouldn’t dare part with. And in this semi-altruistic attempt at health awareness, we present to you Manipal’s Health Digest, your one-stop-shop for First Aid, antibiotics and the real deal on all those tongue-twisting diseases you don’t (but most definitely should!) care about.

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