Manipal The Talk Network

Sports Fandom – It’s not Just a Game

It’s half past one in the morning, on a school night. A deafening silence fills the streets. Perhaps a few return home after a hard day’s work, desperate for the warmth of a bed and a good night’s sleep. Yet amidst all the silence, the tiredness, the knowledge of having to rise early the next day, there lie a few eager souls with their eyes glued to the television set. What is to happen a few hours later at work or in class matters little at that moment. After all, this is what they enjoys most- watching their favorite sports teams in action!

To some, the word “sports” is a term that simply exists to be. In these minds, there are far more interesting shows to be viewed and activities to be planned for. To others, however, it is almost a matter of life and death. It is the activity that keeps the blood pumping, the fun that delights the heart. For some, it is the only interesting occurrence in an otherwise ordinary schedule. For that little bit of time that “their team” are in action, they become patriotic towards a bunch of players they’ve possibly never even met. This perhaps begs the question: Why do people get behind their favorite sports teams? Why are they “die-hard” fans?

In truth, a sports team is the expression of a fan’s sense of personality. More often than not, such fans associate themselves as members of the proverbial family of this team. Yet it’s not obnoxious affectation when the word “we” tend to be in usage; it’s a literal confusion in the brain about the existence of “me” and “the team”, or if indeed they are one. In a number of seemingly inadvertent ways, a fan mirrors the feelings, actions and even hormones of the players. Self-esteem rides on the outcome of the game and the image of the franchise. A sense of fulfillment charges up their minds. This has positive outcomes: besides a boosted self-esteem, there’s always pride, identity and even belonging. However, they are quite biased toward themselves and their in-group. If their commitment towards a sports team makes them believe that they symbolize their team, and simultaneously they are also their own selves, and “we” are all together, then it also applies a lot of those biases to the actions of the team. It’s the fan’s instinct to explain and rationalize the team when it is accused of skulduggery. Every occurrence from that team invariably them becomes associated with their fans too, who then see fit to then justify and/or retaliate.

For many fanatical fans, their sporting teams are an extension of their self-image, who they are as a person. There are those who find any form of media and tune in one way or the other to passionately back the select few players who represent their country. After all, not every country can claim to excel at even one sport. This single sport may well be their best bet at international sporting recognition, which perhaps provides a reason for their patriotic feelings. The players themselves believe that they shoulder the responsibility of the legions of fans from their own blood that gets behind them at every step. Representing their nation internationally is very often overwhelming, particularly in the victory. The fans see themselves as part of the team that goes out to deliver its best. They become the proverbial “twelfth man”, a term commonly used in some sports to represent the fans.

There are always those that enjoy playing sports over any other activity. They intend to excel at that field, even if it means hours of commitment and dedication. Some manage to achieve their dreams and turn professional. Among them, there are those that become internationally renowned and achieve all that there is to achieve. Some may become famous or infamous for dubious reasons, yet doing what they love will always be something to pride on. However, not everyone can be an expert in a game of sport. It’s never easy to cut it in the big leagues. Hence, being a loyal fan of a team serves as a large source of happiness for sports lovers who aren’t very good at it.

At the end of the day, sports can be thought of as tribal. By choosing a team, people opt to join a tribe and throw their lot in with a particular clan.  Just as on the battlefield, if things don’t go to plan and their team isn’t performing to expectations, they can either cut and run or stay loyal. If they opt to switch allegiances, to the loyal fans that stay, it makes them a quitter, a turncoat, even a traitor.  Perhaps it can be said that allegiance to a sporting team is in itself a sport.

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