Manipal The Talk Network

Bridge – Day Twenty Five of NaPoWriMo


Certain places evoke certain emotions.
The Airport brought me relief.
Relief of being back to where I belong
My hometown hugged me with comfort, all the trees flashing in the back drop of my car on the way home.
Home, filled me up with a childlike joy of eating by Maa’s hands
The old cafe brought back nostalgia of my childhood friends Sipping chocolate milk after school
And that swing in school’s playground
The one with rusted chains and an old wooden seat.
It reminded me of the young love I once found.
The bar, which used to be for grown ups, now made me feel welcomed and also claustrophobic
So I took a walk to the bridge.
Certain places evoke certain emotions, you see.

The bridge brought back you standing on that ledge
Laughing like there was no tomorrow
You being you
Joked about falling off
Until you did.
The bridge only brought back horror.
The bridge brought back grief, of losing you
The bridge brought back guilt, of not saving you.

– Written by Kavya Cocasse

– Artwork by Malavika


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