Manipal The Talk Network

Untouchable – Day Seventeen of NaPoWriMo

I remember,

The way you would smile,

When I gave you

An imaginary cup of tea

From my world famous restaurant.

I remember,

How you’d frown

When I told you

I’d gotten good grades in a test,


You’d just reply that

Four people could’ve passed with

Those marks.

I remember,

The tears in your eyes

Out of possible pride I suppose

When you were on my

Sixth grade

PowerPoint Presentation

As I spoke about

You –

My inspiration.

I remember,

The way you’d yell

At me

For reading books

Whose pages were numbered

Until the hundreds

Because you knew

I wouldn’t sleep until I’d

Finished it all.

I remember,

Your sigh of relief

When the guests finally left,

Your faint hum of an

Age old Melody,

When you plucked

The Parijatha flower,

Your annoyance

When my sisters and I brought

The house down



How happy you looked

When you saw us

Sit together for dinner.

And I remember all this,


Because you don’t anymore.

As you sit on your bed,

A smile on your face

As I enter the room,

You no longer remember

My name.

But don’t you worry

I’ll remember enough

For both of us

And I’ll remember


How you used to be

Before this dreaded disease


Your life.

And all that

I remember

Is untouchable,

Guarded fiercely by


That have shaped me,

Because while

I sometimes forget,

About the old you

As I see only

A husk of your former self,


I love you,


I’ll never forget that.

Written by Siri Rajanahally for MTTN

Feature Image by Shreya Bangar

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