Development of COVID-19 Variants

Darwin posed the Theory of Evolution in his book ‘On the Evolution of Species’ in 1859. His obsequious studying of minor changes in birds of the island of Galapagos, later termed ‘Darwin’s finches’ depict the process of evolution. It was clear to Darwin that minor, heritable variations in the offspring Continue Reading

Anthropause: Wildlife in Crisis

The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally. In 2020, the world came face to face with the deadly coronavirus pandemic which has left its impact on every aspect of life especially wildlife. The slowdown in human activity, which scientists are calling the “anthropause” has been a Continue Reading

Cognizant Citizen: North American Heat Dome

SInce the last week, British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest have been experiencing unprecedented summer temperatures. Around 250 km from Vancouver, the village of Lytton recorded Canada’s highest-ever mercury reading of 49.5⁰C on Sunday, June 27, 2021. The obliterating heatwave has caused the sudden deaths of over five hundred people Continue Reading

Masculinity or Mental Health Manifestation?

What strikes one’s mind when they read about men’s mental health? Beyond the conventional perspective that people have succumbed to accept, it is crucial to analyze and explore the depths of men’s mental health. 

Growing up with two brothers and looking back now, I realized how I would usually end Continue Reading

Cashing In on the Rainbow

The month of June denotes the culmination of the Stonewall Riots and marks a significant milestone for the LGBTQIA+ community. Every year, the community and its allies celebrate and express their solidarity by participating in Pride marches, adorning rainbow colors, and hosting fundraisers for their upliftment. However, institutions of capitalism Continue Reading

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