A Letter to Sebastian

Dear Sebastian,

It took me a good while to look beyond those dreamy eyes and that crooked smirk which stopped my then-15-year-old heart for a whole minute each time I saw it. I eventually did look beyond, though.

I get it; you’re an idealist. You were living in a world Continue Reading

A Letter To Katniss

Dear Katniss,

How are you? How is life in the new District 12? Do people still look in awe at the ‘Girl on Fire’? Did you name your son after your father? Does Haymitch still find solace in alcohol and Peeta in his paintings? And have you found your Continue Reading

Master of Disguise: A Story About Depression

Depression is a mental health disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. It can cause a variety of symptoms— some which affect your mood, others which affect your body. Some symptoms of depression are inability to concentrate, fatigue, hopelessness, Continue Reading

Falling Feathers: A Story About Anorexia

Anorexia Nervosa, or Anorexia, is a type of eating disorder. Its symptoms revolve around self-starvation and losing weight. A person suffering from anorexia would consider themselves to be overweight and, hence, would restrict themselves from consuming a sufficient amount of food. If left untreated, this could turn into a life-threatening Continue Reading

Grapes— Day Fourteen of NaPoWriMo

They tussled and tossed their sweet selves away,
Your intoxicated thirst was left unquenched
You were frozen in place, held forever by their sway

When you first encountered them, you just wanted to foray
Towards those bitter grapes, in temptation drenched
But they tussled and tossed their sweet selves away… Continue Reading

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