Revels Behind The Scenes – Workshops

One of the main attractions in either TechTatva or Revels is the series of workshops. From mocktail making, tango, poetry workshops, over the years Revels has had a wide range of workshops to choose from. The workshops are conducted by experienced artists in the field, and due to the limited Continue Reading

Revels Behind the Scenes | HRD

The Human Resources Development team, commonly known as the HRD team of Revels ’17 comprises of a rather fun bunch of people. They are single-handedly responsible for all the manpower behind the fest, including volunteers and they’re also the ones to make sure that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes, Continue Reading

Revels Behind The Scenes | Finance

Money makes the world go round and Revels’17 is no different. Money decides the grandeur and scale of the fest, and the department of Finance is responsible for doing just that. They handle, account for and allot funds to various departments and this year around, they even changed their strategy. Continue Reading

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