The Spirit of TechTatva

“Welcome to the annual MIT fest, TechTatva! I’m Jay–”

“–And I’m Raj–”

“And today, we ask the age-old question, “Who dunnit?”. We’re watching the MIT students race against time in the second round of the Murder Mystery, in a treasure-hunt-style search for answers! How are we feeling today, Raj? Who … Continue Reading

Student Plaza and the Colosseum

Wandering round the Student Plaza, looking at the blues above,

Admiring the structure and the pillars made me think of,

The majestic imagery of the colosseum in my mind,

The gladiators battled out while their blades would grind.


Romans seated, the theatre all surround,

As the trumpets of entertainment … Continue Reading

Mysterious Happenings in Goetian Springs

Trigger Warning: Mention of violence

“Daddy, daddy, it finally happened! I got a supergirl doll!”

Traditions like this were why Ethan Foster liked living in a small town; children receiving surprise handmade toys with the morning newspaper, quarterly potlucks ending in impersonation contests, and his all-time personal favorite: Ducky Day. … Continue Reading

A Night at the Library

“Achoo!” My sneeze echoed through the halls of the library. It could have been mistaken for a violent spirit seeking retribution. But there was no vengeful ghost lurking amongst the bookshelves. It was just plain old me, blurry-eyed looking for calm, quiet and rationality—a commodity in huge deficit on Halloween Continue Reading

The Roman Empire — An Alternate Tale

The Roman Empire was politically and socially massive. It included most of Europe, North Africa, and much of the Middle East at its peak. Its spectacular network of roads contributed to the social unification of the areas under its rule, which shared a common language and, subsequently, a common religion. Continue Reading

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