Speckled—Day Eight Of NaPoWriMo


“Speckled shades of scarlet and sapphire,

did they blend to form flames of a fire?


Splatters of chrome and crimson,

how did they stem from my imaginary prism?”


That night, all sense had ceased to exist,

and two lovers were out for a tryst;

chaos and pleasure, Continue Reading

Creak- Day Seven of NaProWriMo


Has democracy started to creak, with the chaos that has broken out?
Whom to choose, whom to trust, with the supposed leaders,
sheepishly stand as demagogues, as political opportunists?

Between jingoistic warmongers, so swelled in their small-minded bigotry,
ready to cripple, ready to kill,
ready to besmirch anyone who … Continue Reading

Inktober: What Is It?

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

Pablo Picasso

It doesn’t take much to pick up a brush and flair your colours on paper. Art is an expression of something that words fail to decipher. You look around for inspiration, … Continue Reading

The Clubs of MIT: Non-Technical

The many non-technical clubs and student organisations of Manipal, provide students with an opportunity to step outside their academic lives and explore their passions. Not only cultivating skills but also providing spaces for interaction for students across courses cultivating similar interests and talents. Here’s a brief guide to finding your … Continue Reading

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