War—Day of Ten NaPoWriMo 2021


Ravens hover in the clear white sky
Playfully eyeing the fields of rye
Calamity struck, a massive flood
Fueled by my comrades’ blood

The heart that yields to the Rising Sun
The hand that grips the spiteful gun
The stomach that has hunger won
Susume!” March forth, no … Continue Reading

Origin—Day Nine of NaPoWriMo 2021

A tussle of gases, dust, chemicals, and energies;

a reverberating shock of cosmic rage remembered through centuries.


A tussle of air, water, earth, and seeds,

a multitude of green blips spanning across fields.


A tussle of ice, water, and pressure;

Strong waves engulfing layers of treasure.


A Continue Reading

Absence—Day Five of NaPoWriMo 2021

The Stairway I have always known.

Whose banisters I could never discern. 

Those cryptic steps are polished, woodtone.

Its temperament bent and taciturn.   


I tread in a place of no return—

The first newel post remains unshown. 

Sense not its start or when it’d adjourn—

The Stairway I have Continue Reading

Ruin—Day Three of NaPoWriMo 2021

“Oh, where do we begin?
The rubble or our sin?”

The temperature rises,
the clouds roars at their sins,
and they run from the hell they created,
leaving behind the rest in the rubble.

Darkness looms over their heads,
a volcano starts to find its way;
Hoping to turn everything … Continue Reading

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