Origin—Day Nine of NaPoWriMo 2021

A tussle of gases, dust, chemicals, and energies;

a reverberating shock of cosmic rage remembered through centuries.


A tussle of air, water, earth, and seeds,

a multitude of green blips spanning across fields.


A tussle of ice, water, and pressure;

Strong waves engulfing layers of treasure.


A Continue Reading

Absence—Day Five of NaPoWriMo 2021

The Stairway I have always known.

Whose banisters I could never discern. 

Those cryptic steps are polished, woodtone.

Its temperament bent and taciturn.   


I tread in a place of no return—

The first newel post remains unshown. 

Sense not its start or when it’d adjourn—

The Stairway I have Continue Reading

An Ode to Friendship

Another moment of space-time passed,
Another eternity for the orb that stood last.
Strong storms cutting through the dark silence,
nd newborn rings draping the sky like a valance, 


Such is the existence of Neptune.


“O God of Sea! God of horses!” bellowed Triton,
“Honour me with Continue Reading

Starry Night

Starry, Starry Night
you built your world,
just born yet wrecked;
Shades of blue and grey,
the cypress tree
made you question your sanity.

How you saw the world
like no one else could see;
A view from your window
not how it was,
but how could it be.

How … Continue Reading

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